Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 3 - It's Getting Easier Everyday!

Ok, woke up this morning... let me tell you it's easier to get up because I'm excited to see what the scale will say :) and I'm down another 2 lbs! Still struggling with drinking all the water/liquids each day but found that just a tad bit of spicey dijon mustard sure spices up plain lettuce salad. I've also been dipping my meat into it too- takes some of the blandness out of it. I also finally found Melba toast! What a difference, I feel like I'm actually eating BREAD! Ok, I can dream can't I?

I noticed since I started this diet- how much people eat without even realizing it. Kasey woke up with an upset stomach the other morning, so I told him I'd get him some saltines to see if it helps. I cracked open the box, opened the sleeve and immediately went to load one of the bad boys in my mouth. I actually shrieked out loud! AHHHH! I almost ruined it on the first low calorie day!!! Yesterday, I made a nice dinner for the boys (all 3) and was transferring the white rice to a storage container and caught myself trying to shove the rice spoon in my mouth to clean it off. Geesh. About had another heart attack there!

I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings. Down 4 pounds in two days is making me a very happy girl!

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