Friday, November 6, 2009

As I sit here at my desk, my partner in hcg-crime (Amy) reminds me that I only have 20 more minutes to finish my mandatory 2 liters of water... I have a set time. All mandated water intake must be completed by 3pm, so I know that I've consumed the required amount and the rest of the day I can just SIP. I HATE WATER. So... I'm sitting here, supposed to be working- staring at the last 8oz of my required water intake. Why is this so hard for me? Is it mental? I think it is because for the past few years my fluid intake consisted of Dutch Brothers frozen coffees, regular coffee, Monster Energy Drinks, and if those weren't available... Diet Coke with Lime. I'm surprised my insides work at all!!!


  1. I have started to take out a teapot and fill it w/ a tea bag and let that 1 tea bag ride me for the day. So by the end of the day it's less tea, and more water, but still flavored.

    Then I add a little stevia in it!

    You could put a drop or two in a 1 liter bottle of flavored stevia. The 1 drop of rootbeer is not rootbeer, but it's still more satisfying then water.

    I used to drink a lot of plain water, but since I am only limited to water, it's getting old. I need flavor when I eat food. Tea has realllly helped.

  2. I'm going to try this... I found a bunch of different stevia flavors on ebay, I'm especially looking forward to english toffee :) THANK YOU CHIP!
