Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 13...

Down 14 oz. today! I was really worried because I was so low on my calorie intake yesterday I ended up eating another meat portion at 8pm to make up for some of the calories. I wasn't sure what would happen with that!

Today I got REALLY creative with my food prep for this week. I measured my apple portions to 3.5 oz, sprinkled them with a stevia and cinnamon mixture and then baked them at 375 for 20 minutes. YUM. Another idea given to me by Amy, was to crush up the melba toast and coat your chicken in it- then bake. I cannot wait to eat my chicken for lunch! I chopped up my tomato portions, with a little cilantro, lemon juice and salt and voila - salsa crispy chicken for me!!!

I have come to realize that doing this diet over the weekend is hard. On the go- have to drink SO much water, not a lot of opportunities for the 3 THOUSAND potty breaks I have to take and inconvenient times of eating my funky meals! Today I decided to make banana bread with Brady. OMG it smelled SO GOOD! Everyone else enjoyed it, and I got the enjoyment of watching them eat :)

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