Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 17... down another 10 ounces, for a total of 12 lbs :)

Now that I've tweaked things a little bit, it's nice to see the the scale continually DROP each day instead of go up and down like a roller coaster! Tips for those of you to consider:

  • Do NOT drink Crystal Light or drinks with the artificial sweeteners (Sobee LifeWater)... they still contain sugar alcohol, which is still SUGAR
  • Do NOT chew trident gum, or sugar free gum. Why? Because they ALSO contain sugar alcohol.
  • Check your B12 vitamin drops if you are using sublingual... mine had SUGAR!!!
  • Do not use balsamic vinegar unless you KNOW that it is absolutely void of all sugar
  • Do not mix your veggies. That means, if you are going to eat lettuce- just eat the lettuce, don't add radishes or other veggies. That is considered mixing.
  • I have found that sugar free jello does not affect me
  • Weldon Farms products caused me to either stall or gain... probably due to sugar derivatives
  • Be careful experimenting, read your food labels- sugar is hidden EVERYWHERE
  • weigh your fruits. Apples are high in sugar, make sure you are eating 3.5 oz - to much more might hinder results
  • Don't go under your 500 calories. I found that really hindered my weight loss, and mine was by accident! Watch your calorie intake food log closely!

Last night while my family was eating, my son Brady said "Hey mom, looks like your booty is getting a lot smaller... that means you'll take up a lot less room on the couch!" I think Dan almost spit out his food. Don't you just love the candor of little people! I thanked him for noticing!


  1. Thanks for all the tips! :)

    I love kids, mine told me the other day, "Mommy, your belly isn't very big anymore"...all matter of fact like, lol. Too cute. :)

  2. Mine like to tease me now too... mom, want a drink of my hot cocoa? Or they LOVE to bombard me with questions when I have my drops in my mouth and they know I can't talk!!!
